Plenary Lectures
Professor Marko Sabovljević
Professor Marko Sabovljević, a bryophyte biologist, graduated Biology at University of Belgrade (Serbia) and received his PhD in Natural Sciences at University of Bonn (Germany). In 2008, he joined Faculty of Biology academic stuff at University of Belgrade, where he is Full-time Professor, at present. His research interest goes to plant sciences and narrows to bryophyte biology i.e. any problem targeting bryophytes from the molecule to ecosystem level. Thus, his studies includes both field and laboratory work, both fundamental and biotechnological problems and bryophyte conservation. He published over 200 peer reviewed scientific papers, with focus on bryophytes. He is founder and leader of Bryological Association of South-Eastern Europe and a member of many scientific societies and working groups. He is reviewing in over 30 scientific peer-review journals and he is Editor-in-Chief of the Botanica Serbica journal.
Dunja Šamec, PhD
Dunja Šamec's research interest include plant specialized metabolites - their role in plant-environmental interaction and their possible use in chemotaxonomy as well as in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. Dunja Šamec spend several years on foreign institutions where she gained experience in plant metabolomics. Currently Dunja is research associate at the Department of Molecular Biology of the Institute of Ruđer Bošković, Zagreb, Croatia. Dunja is active in science communication to wider, non-academic public.
Ivana Rešetnik, PhD
Ivana Rešetnik’s interests are focused on systematic and taxonomic studies of vascular plants, with a special focus on phylogeny and phylogeography of Balkan endemics. Ivana is currently lead researcher on Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) Installation research project "Phylogeography and evolution of three ecologically divergent amphi-Adriatic plant groups”, focused on exploration of evolutionary trajectories and diversification of three ecologically divergent plant groups distributed on both western and eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea. Ivana is also the senior curator of the ZA and ZAHO herbarium collections at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb and she participates in teaching about Systematic Botany at BSc level.
Jadranka Stojanovski, PhD
Jadranka Stojanovski is an research librarian at Ruđer Bošković Institute in Zagreb, Croatia, with professional experience in designing and creating scholarly publications management systems, providing an open access to the knowledge created by Croatian academic and research community. Previously, she worked as the library director at the Ruđer Bošković Institute. J.S. have an interdisciplinary background in physics gained during MSc studies in Physics at the University of Zagreb, and information sciences gained during PhD studies in Information and Communication Sciences at the University of Zagreb. She is actively engaged in the national projects like Croatian Scientific Bibliography CROSBI (, Who's Who in Science in Croatia (, HRČAK repository of Croatian open access journals (, etc., as well as international projects concerning different aspects of scholarly communication, including the Horizon 2020 project OpenAIRE2020, TD COST Action TD1306 New Frontiers of Peer Review (PEERE) and CA COST Action CA15137 European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (ENRESSH). She is also the National Point of Reference (NPR) for scientific information. Her research interests include scholarly communication, currently and in particular, open data and publications management, open science within broader context of ever-greater transparency, accessibility and accountability, new trends, best practices and ethical concerns in scholarly publishing, peer review process, assessment of the research impact, and other main bibliometric and altmetric issues. Jadranka Stojanovski has authored over 50 papers.
Sanja Kovačić, PhD
Sanja Kovačić, PhD, spent her career in botanic gardens professional work and education. For 20 years, she has been working in a position of senior Collection Curator at the University Botanical Garden in Zagreb, Faculty of Science, where she is in head of Croatian indigenous plants collections, temperate greenhouse and perennials collections. Her main interests are in Croatian statutorily protected, endemic and Natura-plant species, researching their seed ecology and further ex-situ cultivation for conservation and popularization purposes. She is a (co)author of 5 books, 11 exhibitions and more than 150 professional, popular and scientific articles; editor of botany and nature protection topics for the "Priroda” popular science magazine; and national coordinator for the ‘Week of Croatian botanic gardens and arboreta’ manifestation.