Abstract submission
Abstracts should be written in English. They should be clear and concise with objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. First authors can submit one abstract for the oral presentations and one abstract for the poster sessions, but they can be listed as co-authors. Deadline for abstract submission is June 10, 2019. If your abstract was approved by the Scientific Committee, the first authors will receive message via e-mail till July 1, 2019. The Scientific Committee is responsible for reviewing the abstracts to be presented at the Symposium. Scientific Committee can propose changes of the preferred way of presentation indicated by the authors, in which case these will be discussed with the authors. Accepted abstracts will be printed in the Abstracts Book only if registration fee is payed until July 10, 2019.
Abstract (without title, authors and their affiliations) should not exceed 250 words. Title should be printed in capital letters. Name of the authors should be write only with initials of first (and middle) names. Do not use academic titles. If different, use number in the superscript to indicate different affiliations of the co-authors. Underline the presenting author. Please indicate on top of your abstract preffered way of your presentation (oral or poster). The size at your disposal on the poster board is 120 cm height x 90 cm width.
You can use this template for formatting your abstract.
Prior to sending please (re)name your abstract in the format "Abstract-Surname-Name-6HBoS", e.g.,
Abstracts should be sent to this e-mail nenad.jasprica@unidu.hr address till June 10, 2019. In case you haven't received confirmation of abstract submission within 48 hours, please contact these e-mails nenad.jasprica@unidu.hr; ana.car@unidu.hr.