dr. sc. Jakša Bolotin

Zvanje: Viši znanstveni suradnik
e-mail: jaksabolotin@yahoo.com

PMF Sveučulišta u Zagrebu, Biološki odsjek

Područje rada: 
Akvakultura, marikultura, biologija i uzgoj školjkaša

Sudjelovanje na projektima: 
Temeljni projekt Ministarstva znanosti
Projekt Jadran

Publicirani radovi (važniji):
Jasprica, N., M. Carić, J. Bolotin and M. Rudenjak-Lukenda, 1997: The Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk.) growth rate response to phytoplankton and microzooplankton population densities in the Mali Ston Bay (Southern Adriatic). Periodicum Biologorum, 99(2), 255-264.
Skaramuca, B., V. Koľul, Z. Teskeredzić, J. Bolotin and V. Onofri, 2001: Growth rate of tank-reared Mediterranean amberjack, Seriola dumerili (Risso 1810) fed on three different diets. J. Appl. Ichthyol., 17, 130-133.
Bratoą, A., J. Bolotin, M. Peharda and J. Njire, 2002: Seasonal distribution of the bivalve Ostrea edulis (Linnaeus, 1758) larvae in the Bay of Mali Ston, Adriatic Sea. Journal of Shellfish Research, 21(2), 763-767.
Glamuzina B., P Tutman, A.J. Conides , V. Koľul, N. Glavić, J. Bolotin, D. Lučić and B. Skaramuca, 2003: Preliminary results on growth and feeding of wild-caught young goldblotch grouper, Epinephelus costae in captivity. J. Appl. Ichthyol., 19(4), 209-214. 
Lučić, D., J. Njire, M. Morović, R. Precali, D. Fuks and J. Bolotin, 2003: Microzooplankton in the open waters of the Northern Adriatic Sea from 1990 to 1993: the importance of copepod nauplii densities. Helgoland Marine Research, 57, 73-81. 
Dulčić, J., I. Jardas, V. Onofri and J. Bolotin, 2003: The roughtail stingray Dasyatis centroura (Pisces: Dasayatidae) and spiny butterfly ray Gymnura altavela (Pisces: Gymnuridae) from the southern Adriatic. JMBA, 83(4), 871-872.
Peharda, M., J. Bolotin, N. Vrgoč, N. Jasprica, A. Bratoą and B. Skaramuca, 2003: A study of the Noah’s Ark shell (Arca noae Linnaeus 1758) in Mali Ston Bay, Adriatic Sea. Journal of Shellfish Research, 22(3), 705-709.
Bolotin, J., M. Hrs-Brenko, P. Tutman, N.Glavić, V. Koľul, B. Skaramuca, D. Lučić and J. Dulčić, 2005: First record of Idas simpsoni (Mollusca, Bivalvia: Mytilidae) in the Adriatic Sea. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. UK., 85(4), 977-978. 
Peharda, M., I. Mladineo, J. Bolotin, L. Kekez and B. Skaramuca, 2006: The reproductive cycle and potential protandric development of the Noah's Ark shell, Arca noae L.: Implications for aquaculture. Aquaculture, 252(2-4), 317-327.
Koľul, V., P. Tutman, N. Glavic, B. Skaramuca and J. Bolotin, 2005: First record of the yellowmouth barracuda, Sphyraena viridensis (Sphyraneidae) from Adriatic Sea. Cybium, 29(2), 201-202.

Članstvo u strukovnim udrugama: 
Hrvatsko biološko društvo

Nastavne aktivnosti: 
Predavač na studiju akvakulture Sveučilišta u Dubrovniku